Removing Dealer Branding: Why it Matters for Your Online Sales

When selling cars online, it is important to have clean images that put the vehicle into focus. However,dealer brandings can get in the way of that, since it comes in various forms such as banners or watermarks for example, which– most often than not–hide parts of the car like that:

But don’t worry, you can learn how to overcome these obstacles in the following  article! In this blog post, we’ll look at: 

-       Why you should consider removing dealer branding as a car marketplace

-       How it leads to increased sales 

-       How CarCutter’s feature supports you in that 


Why Removing Dealer Branding is Important for Car Marketplaces:


When customers browse for cars online, they are already wary of what the car might look like and if the picture displays the car right, which is why transparency is key. This means that the more your website visitors can see of the car and the more details the images portray, the more they will lean towards buying a car from you!

However, if you have distracting banners or watermarks on your images, important features of the vehicle will be hidden, and people will perceive your business as less trustworthy, which drives customers away from your website. Additionally, these banners divert website visitors off your website, since they will think that the dealership named on the banner is the one to call to buy the car and therefore, you’ll lose profit. Besides that, colorful, disturbing banners like that don’t seem professional or clean in any way. Just compare these two SRPs– which one do you like best?

By removing these banners, you provide for a seamless customer experience, which leads to improved online sales and more customer engagement. Your listings will appear more trustworthy and professional, which is a key factor in converting potential customers to sales!

How CarCutter Removes Dealer Branding:


With the help of our AI, we are able to automatically detect and remove dealer branding from all your images!

We remove: 

-       Banners

-       Logos

-       Watermarks


Noteworthy: Our AI can distinguish between an obvious banner (unwanted) and the brand name on the tires (important), and only removes branding that negatively impacts your business.

Blurring is ideal for sneaky branding like logos, and our AI is able to blur them while distinguishing between important vehicle details (such as text on tires) and unwanted dealer branding.

Watermarks are the toughest type of branding to get rid of; if blurring doesn’t cut it, then one of our experts in Bad Image Detection can take care of it for you.

Besides keeping customers on your website, you can use the freed-up space to fill in your own branding! Use license plate inlays, logo overlays or backgrounds to boost your brand and improve your online visibility and brand recognition!

Sell with Google Vehicle Ads

Implementing professional-looking images not only benefits your online presence but can also ensure that you can sell with Google Vehicle Ads! 

While the images on your website call for a recognizable look by implementing your CI and branding, you want to make sure that the images for Google Vehicle Ads are as clean as possible with no disturbances in the picture– which is why, we offer both:


Read up on Google VA in more detail here. 

How CarCutter boosts your brand:

In conclusion, CarCutter can help you with: 
  • removing unwanted dealer branding: Keep your customer and your profits by removing unwanted branding that diverts potential customers aways from your site.
  • boosting your brand: Use the freed-up space from license plates, overlays and backgrounds and fill it with your own branding and color
  •  selling with Google VA: Be one of the first to start selling with the new Google Vehicle Ads and achieve a 15% higher ROI and up to 25% more sales.

More Tips for Optimizing Your Car Listings

Here are some tips for optimizing your car images for your listings:
  • standardize your photography process by using services such as the CarCutter App. This will lead to increased consistency across your website and attract more customers
  • keep your customer and your profits by removing unwanted branding that diverts potential customers aways from your site.
  • implement branded showrooms to your website and into your car images to boost your branding and make your dealership or car marketplace even more recognizable

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